A: Mulai tanggal 17 Januari 2022 web sudah ada slot tambahan untuk tombol download sehingga agan bisa request kualitas 1080p. Q: Min kok error nggak bisa mendownload sih? These are turbulent times as England and Germany are at war and Eddington's own loyalty is called into question when, as a Quaker, he refuses to fight. The expectation is that Einstein's theories will be disproven but Eddington admits that his General Theory of Relativity has merit. The opening scene depicts the hauling of astronomical equipment up over rocks on Principe.

A: Itu karena agan menggunakan browser dengan format player videonya tersendiri seperti UC Browser sehingga subtitlenya pun tidak muncul sesuai format dari player yang kami gunakan. Both Tennant and Serkis get right into the skin of their characters - two brilliant actors on top form. Sedikit trik, setelah tekan tombol download di filesku tadi matiin dulu data selulernya agan kemudian lanjut buka biar kuota regulernya tidak tersedot. Q: Apakah bisa request film lain? Possibly one of the most egregious inventions in the film is that Sir Oliver Lodge is given the leading role of criticising Einstein, supporting Newton and of apparently being the President of the Royal Astronomical Society. His 2007 biography of Einstein does not support the narrative structure of the film (made in 2008) and in particular does not describe the exchange of letters between Eddington and Einstein nor does it refer at all to the involvement of Sir Oliver Lodge. A: Tulisan seperti ini ya? Give him clear lenses and contacts.

Given the importance of this famous discovery to science and to the centenary of the event in 2019 one hopes the BBC do not resurrect it at that time as it is a complete travesty.